So unless you are nobody, and not existing in this world, you are welcomed to read this post.
Just need a shoutout spot where nobody "is supposed to" "see". And even if you are a busybody (not a nobody) who have nothing better to do, do skip this too.
(Thank you, Edvard Munch, for his exceptionally well done piece of art to express my current emotion)
Do = die. Didn't do = die. So what to do?Sigh...
This "equation" is absurd. But then again, sometimes it carries the truth. It happens. Heck, shit happens, all the time. And it have had to happen sometimes in everyone's life. Most of the time, it will result in negative mood day, or at best, moodless day.
How I wish I could be alone on D-day, quietly doing something (nothing is considered something though), my own thing that is. But shit have to happen. And it is unexpectedly coming to MY HOUSE. Not that I choose it to happen over here. And the one of the "hero" of the day is an "ENEMY OF THE STATE". Escape would seems to be rather rude as the other two hero of the day is a friendly unit. And invitation was sent out for the day.Thus, shits occur.
And shits happen. No need for explanation here. Threshold has been breached. Pressure went well over the limit. Blow off trigger point activated. Ground zero has been zoned in and targeted. All missiles and artillery aimed at dummy. Safety lock released. Expected chance of survival: 30%. Estimated recovery time needed: Unknown. Either soon (as in days) or never (hopefully not).
Lesson learnt. Do not proceed to function containing enemy(ies) of state. For whatever reason. I just want a peaceful and relatively eventless period. At least let me finish my work before any shit happes.
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